How to Use

File Transfer Service

  1. Fill recipient information in Send File Page, and press "Send File" button to upload files. You can select mail delivery method, by yourself or by FilePost. (Note: In rare cases, the mail sent by FilePost is recognized as spam mail and be rejected by recipient's mail server. You can select "mail by yourself" option to avoid this problem.)
  2. After uploading of files, mail will be delivered to recipient if you select "mail by FilePost" option. (Sample)
  3. After uploading is completed, you need to mail to recipient if you select "mail by yourself" option. After uploading is completed, "Mail link" will appeared, and you can get download site information to click it.
  4. Recipient will access to file download site URL addressed in mail delivered from you or FilePost. Recipient can get files sent by you form the URL.

Web Folder Service

  1. Fill necessary information in Web Folder Page, and press "Create Folder" button to create your web folder. You can select multiple files by pressing SHIFT Key when you upload files.
  2. When upload is completed, you can get URL information of your web folder.
  3. Then you can access to the web folder. Maximum expiration date is 7 days.

Terms of Service

  1. Service provided by FilePost is free to use. No registration required.
  2. FilePost does not have a responsibility for any trouble between you (file sender) and recipients.
  3. Use of the FilePost services is for lawful purposes only. Our services can not be used to transfer any illegal or copyrighted material. You agree that you have full ownership and rights to transfer the file(s) that you are sending to any recipients.
  4. Use at your own risk. There are no warranties or guarantees that the services provided by FilePost are reliable or that data stored on our servers will be maintained for any length of time.


Concept of FilePost is expansion of e-mailing system, so that security level of FilePost is equivalent to e-mailing system. Please keep in mind followings.

  1. Input correct recipient e-mail address. FilePost cannot provide any protection in case mail is sent to wrong address.
  2. Input items in File Transfer Page is not mandatory except for files uploaded. However input of all items is recommended since those are used as a security key in our system.
  3. It is recommended to select "mail by yourself" option, because the mail sent by FilePost includes download password. We recommend you to send mail by yourself. In this case, you can mail to Recipient without download password (ex; "download password is your phone number").
  4. Files you sent will be deleted if expired. You can deleted manually prior to expiration. It is recommended to describe "Delete files if downloaded." in mail massage.